Espresso Machines

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Gaggia Babila


With drink customizations, programmability, an auto-frothing carafe, and one-touch drink buttons, the Babila offers a truly personalized cup with the push of a button.

Gaggia Accademia


The Gaggia Accademia is equipped with seven customizable drinks, and allows users to adjust the flow of extraction and control milk frothiness for a true pro-barista experience.

Gaggia Velasca Prestige


The Gaggia Velasca Prestige offers fantastic variety with a dedicated milk carafe, 5 aroma strength settings, and dedicated buttons for espresso, espresso lungo, cappuccino, special drinks and more.

Gaggia Anima Prestige


Choose from one of four customizable drink options and watch the Gaggia Anima Prestige brew espresso, airy cappuccinos, and latte macchiatos, all at the touch of a button.